
Net-metering is one of the promotional tools of self-generation and self-consumption with RES applied in various countries, mainly in photovoltaic systems. Net-metering allows consumers to cover an important part of self-consumption, enabling them to use the network for indirect energy storage.

Development of photovoltaic systems by self-generators relates to the installation of fixed systems to cover own needs from electricity consumers with net-metering application.

Since 8/5/2015, when related requests could be submitted, our company has undertaken to install such systems at domestic level, as well as craft industries and rural warehouses. Examples of our projects are presented on the pictures on the right.


Feed In Tariff

In Greece until 2013 the supporting policy mechanism of standard offer contracts (Feed In Tariffs) was applied to promote PV and other RES.

Under the new institutional framework (L. 4414/2016) the above mechanism is applied for power projects up to 500kWp, while for larger power projects Feed In Premium scheme is applied.

Our company is committed to the installation of a significant number of ground-mounted (with fixed or mobile bases) and rooftop photovoltaic power stations. Examples of our projects, from a few kWp up to MWp, are presented in the pictures on the right.



Autonomous systems (Off-Grid) generate electricity from the sun, wind or water, without a connection to the public network (PPC). They consist of either solar/wind turbines only or hybrid including photovoltaics, wind turbines, small hydroelectric power or a generator. Their equipment includes also converters, solar charge controllers and batteries.

The autonomous electrical grid with photovoltaics is not only economic but also reliable.

Our company is committed to the installation of autonomous photovoltaic and hybrid systems with solar panels & wind turbines. Examples of our projects are presented on the pictures on the right.